Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

I hope that everyone is having an awesome Easter! A few people I know were visited by the Easter Bunny. Sadly, he did not come visit me. I think that it has to do with the fact that I live in a gated community. It's impossible for bunnies to penetrate the large gate. Hopefully, he will remember me next year and perhaps I will get twice as much stuff! Double the Easter candy!!!

Little holidays...

This thought came into my head today. What holidays would be considered "little" holidays? I mean, when i think about it there are many that work pretty well. Christmas (if you celebrate it) is a given...presents, Santa seems to fit the idea of ageplay. Then there is Halloween...dress up and candy?! Need I say more? Easter though...can be huge. Just think about it...coloring eggs, dressing up, candy (if the big person is nice) can be quite a day...bunnies make everything better ;-)