Thursday, April 3, 2008

The problem with internets...

There is something I have come to find about online communities. They become inadvertantly "cliquish". Its not like people are turned away...its just hard to join a group that already exists you know? I know that of the communities I have joined, its been mighty hard to just jump in. I know that I've felt like everyone was ignoring my posts and only focusing on certain people. However, I have also discovered that if you just take your time, and show you plan on being around and not just a "flash in the pan" that you will be welcome. I mean, why should everyone get to know you if you won't be there in a month?

The thing is, fetish related communties, make it all harder. People start to feel like they are being judged for what they are. How is that fair? The rest of the world is judging them already, it makes it worse to feel like their peers in the community are rejecting them too. Case-in-point...I am a part of a community on Tribe, and there has been a big hoopla over "inappropriate" threads being posted. The truth is, there was not discrimination over certain people or their feelings...the problem was it made people uncomfortable. Talking about sex in a forum that is meant to be G is a is talk of illegal activities like pedophilia, or anything of the like. This causes people to get all hurt that people are rejecting them...when they are doing things that are quite obviously against the rules posted.

Things like the above feed into the people that like drama. The drama people then make people angry and everyone has problems.


1 comment:

Hermione said...

Hi Jenny,

You aren't being ignored. Lots of readers just don't take the time to comment.

Keep on blogging. You're one of us now. If you feel so inclined, hop on over to my blog, for another take on being part of "The Club".
