Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A year....

I fought hard for a year to reach a place where things are clicking. It took until my third job to find the right one for me, hours, pay, benefits, and people. It took a fill year to get here. A year of fights, of loneliness, and of anger. Finally things work. There have been times when i wanted to scream, where I cried, where I wondered "WHY?!" What drove me to do this? To leave all that I knew and take off on my own. Was it irritation? Selfishness? Someway of proving myself? I still ask myself this question sometimes, just as they do. I've changed though. Changed things about me. I've become more rational, more open. I don't feel so vulnerable all the time anymore. I feel like I can be me and not be afraid anymore. I've discovered my littleness, and im learning to let go. Everything from before seems only a dream, its not bearing me down anymore. It's like this strange feeling of calm. I worry less if people don't respond to me. I've reached a point of accepting that sometimes things will just work themselves out. It's interesting that big me has matured as a person, while my little is becoming more and more comfortable being littler.


Anonymous said...

hi jenny,
your new blog is adorable. i can relate to the idea of your littleness helping you to grow up more in your regular life. feeling like a little girl is only one small part of my submission, but i have found that, overall, my submission makes me feel more grounded and even more independent and strong. when you let your littleness be expressed, then you have fewer reasons to hold in your maturity too. i wish you so many good things with your journey.

Frank Spanko said...

My Dearest Jenny -

I have just had the pleasure of reading your blog for the first time and I find it quite enjoyable. I hereby present you with the Frank Spanko Seal of Approval. You may view your prize here.


Jenny said...

That means a lot to me persephone!

and thank you frank!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view