Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Big problems for little people...

I know I'm not the only person with this problem...I just want to make people happy. Case in point, I was offered a job at a law office. Part of me wanted the job...but most of me didn't. If i took the job then it would be a pretty big pay cut...just to work day time? However, the part of me that wanted to take it was the part of me that felt bad for applying in the first place. The office manager was soooo nice to me, he even called me his "ace in the hole".

If I took the job then i would not be able to afford anything, and i wouldn't get back to school. So it was REALLY REALLY hard for me, but i haven't accepted the job (but i haven't QUITE told the law office that...).

This sort of thing happens to me all the time. I find myself doing things to make other people happy. It's gotten me in sticky-type situations. It tends to lead me to making out with people I do not wish to make out with. I just don't want to hurt their feelings you know?

I know a friend of mine says that this is a problem for people that are little...wanting to make other people just so hard! I don't want people to hate me is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend has the same problem. It gets her into trouble with my parents all the time, since she tries so hard to please them, and sometimes there is no pleasing them no matter what.

I had a girl in college tell me she made out with me because she didnt want to say no. A friend of mine even said she did more than make out just because she didnt want to say no.
