Monday, August 20, 2007

little beginnings

I will willingly admit that being little is rather new to me. Something i did not explore until this last year. HOWEVER, when i go back and think about things i have done and experimented with it is not quite so surprising.

I know that for a long time i used to take pillows and make a circle in my living room to stay in while i played because it just made me more comfortable.

Also, once I made a diaper out of an old tshirt because it just seemed right at the moment and i slept with it one.

Lastly, my family had this broken loft bed. So it was just 3 sides with the mattress taken off the the top. A few times I hung a blanket from that 4th side and pretended it was a crib. I never knew why i felt compelled to do such a thing, i just WANTED to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you are talking about. I had a lot of things that I do that just were reactions.